Weekly Bulletin

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Gospel reading for this weekend tells the story of the wedding at Cana at which Jesus performs His first miracle by turning water into wine. This miracle shows Jesus’ power and care for those around Him. His action at Cana also has a deeper meaning for each of us. It symbolizes how He can transform our lives. Just as He changed water into wine, He can change our hearts and make us new. This story encourages us to trust in Jesus’ ability to help and guide us. We can reflect on this miracle by thinking about areas in our lives that need transformation. We should ask Jesus to help us grow and improve our lives. By trusting in His power, we can experience positive changes and become better followers of Christ.

THE SECOND COLLECTION next weekend will be for Maintenance and Repairs.  

2025 CALENDARS: We are still waiting for our shipment of calendars due to major equipment malfunction at the provider, Catholic Extension. Please see the notice on the billboard in the back of the church. We have been told that they have shipped and will arrive soon. Thank you for your patience.

Our Prayer List

Fr. Joe continues to make good progress in his recovery.
We are pleased to announce that doctors have released him to a rehabilitation facility where he can regain his strength.
We thank God for Fr. Joe’s improvement and continue to pray that he is restored to full health.

Ruth Allen, Chip Andrus, Rick Arguelo, Thomas Bennett, Theresa Brannon, Samuel Branum, Frances Bridges, Peggy Cooper Bridges, Gaylord Brinnon, Lelia Burkes, Eddie Burgess, Infant Donnie Wayne Butler, Cullen Calametti, Mary Ann Calametti, Malcolm Calametti, Janice Calhon, Perry Callier, John Calogrides, Gene Carney, Michael Lambert Collins, Ella Comer, Art Conlon, Deacon Joe Connick, Kevin Connick, Kathy Conwell, Ken Crane, Jeff Crawford, Henry Crist, Bobbie Dansley, Dr. Debbie Davis, Monty Dees, Mary Beck Drinkard, Duncan Family, Charlie Elliott, Jim Ellis, Carolyn Fairey, Phillip Feneau, Susan Naman Fillers, Latitia Fluet, Linda Fobs, Howard Fowler, Maureen Frost, Spencer Frost, Dell Garner, Shay Schjott Gautreaux, Hannah Gaylord, Ann Geisenheimer, Sharon Gibson, Flora Gilbert, Sheila Green, Patsy Brown Habeeb, Midge Harden, Mat Hartley, Edward Harwell, Mark Haynes, Katie Henley, Amanda Herring, Blakely Herring, Shane Herring, Parker Hollinghead, Slade Hooks, Mary Howell, Robert Howell, Michael Hudson, Kim Hughes, Jerry Ingle, Nelson Iturbe, Charles Jackson, Sharon Jemison, Evelyn Johnson, Shelley Judd, Edward Karam, Fred Karkowski, Adele Kearns, Coy Kirkland, Joey Knowles, Judy Knowles, Paul Knowles, Emma Koppersmith, Carol P. Kreis, Logan Kynes, Alan Ladner, Russell Ladner, Floyd Laurendine, John Laurendine, Angie Leon, Frances Luckie, Marcia Luckie, Sage Lyon III, Betsy Mabry, Joanne Maceluch, Mary Martin, Joyce Masters, Christine Mayhall, Brian McArdle, , Herbert McAtee, Mike and Mary McGowan, Herbert McClamy, Marvin McDuffie, Geraldine McGlasker, Margie McKay, Kelly McPhillips, David Mercurio, Bender Middlekauff, Franklin Millette, K. P. Mixon, Edna Moffett, Zack Morgan, Claire Morrow, Martha Morrow, Kate Myers, Sue Neely, Trinity Neno, Will Nichols, Tony Odom, William McCoy Odom, Betty Patrick, Larry Patterson, Wilford Paul, Emma Perkins, Cheryl Pierce, Neil Pouliot, John Pownall, Fringella Preston, Walter Haywood Prine, Dixie Pritchard, Louise Pruitt, Carolyn Pryor, Bob Purdy, Sheri Reddington, James Romano, Jr., David Ryan, Davis Saratt, David Scott, Lucille Scott, James Sealy, Mary S. Seibert, Dell Sharbrough, Diana Sheppard, Carol Shepherd, Bradley Smith, Kay Smith, Phil Smith, Ruth Smith, Allison Repoll Spillman, Caroline Stapleton, Paul C. Staley, Mary Steber, Maureen Stevens, Dawn Stockton, Rose Story, Cindy Strahan, Jim Summersell, Nita Sutton, David Taylor, Penny Townsend, Irene Troy, Tony Turpin, Abbie Vaughn, Bert Wainwright, David Wainwright, Artemise N. Walker, Bill Watkins, Isabella Watson, Eliana Watson, Johnny Watts, Bob Wetzel, Darlene Pennington Wilson, John Paul Wilson, Norman Wilson, Taylor Wright, Jenny York.

St. Matthew Catholic Church

906 Garrity Street www.stmatthewsmobile. com Rev. Joseph M. Bolling, Pastor

Mobile, Alabama 36605 (251)432-4784 Deacon Joe Connick

Weekend Masses:

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 AM

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 PM or by appointment (251)432-4784

LECTORS FOR THE WEEK: January 25 & 26

Saturday ……........................ 4:00 PM F. Crist

Sunday…................................8:00 AM J. Gable

10:00 AM S. Woodford


Saturday, January 18 Jeb Downing (D) Wednesday, January 22 Lee Leavitt (D)
Sunday, January 19 8:00
George Dalton (D) Thursday, January 23 Roy Jones (D)
Paul Petro Friday, January 24 Gary Bailey (D)
Monday, January 20 Allen Duffy (D) Saturday, January 25 Jeb Downing (D)
Tuesday, January 21 Jimmy O’Rourke (D)    



January 12 Living Faith Booklets July 13 Missionary Co-op
January 26 Maintenance and Repairs July 27 Maintenance and Repairs
February 23 Maintenance and Repairs August 3 Church in Latin America
March 9 Black and Indian Missions August 17 Home Missions
March 16 Easter Flowers August 31 Maintenance and Repairs
March 23 Catholic Relief September 21 Catholic University
March 30 Maintenance and Repairs September 28 Maintenance and Repairs
April 13 Church in Central and Eastern Europe October 19 Propagation of the Faith
April 18 Holy Land/ Good Friday October 27 Maintenance and Repairs
April 27 Maintenance and Repairs November 9 Archdiocese for the Armed Services
May 4 Catholic Week November 23 Campaign for Human Dev.
May 25 Maintenance and Repairs November 30 Maintenance and Repairs
June 8 Catholic Communications December 7 Christmas Flowers
June 22 Peter’s Pence December 14 Retired Religious
June 29 Maintenance & Repairs December 28 Maintenance & Repairs