Weekly Bulletin

Today's Gospel begins with the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Behold I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way.” That messenger was John the Baptist. John's message calls us to prepare for the coming of Christ. He tells us to confront and confess our sins; to turn away from them in sincere repentance; to receive God's forgiveness; and most importantly, to look to Jesus. Do we need to receive God's forgiveness? There are basically two reasons why we fail to receive forgiveness. The first is that we fail to repent, and the second is that we fail to forgive. Jesus was very explicit about this second failure in Matthew 6:14-15. He says, "For if you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions." Is there someone we need to forgive today? Let us not allow what others have done destroy our life. We can't be forgiven unless we forgive. Let us let go of that bitterness and allow God to work healing in our life. Perhaps we need to draw closer to Him. Like the prodigal son’s father, God will run to meet us. He will throw His arms around us and He will forgive us and restore us. He will receive us as His sons and daughters. Let us draw close to Him today, and He will draw close to us.

Important changes to Christmas Schedule, 2020

 In light of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the Christmas Mass schedule has changed. Please keep in mind that distancing measures and the mask requirement will be in place at all Masses. Since space is limited at the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass, you are urged to arrive very early in order to get a seat. This year there will be two Masses on Christmas Day. Please consider attending one of these Masses instead of the vigil Mass if you are able.

Christmas Schedule

The Sacrament of Reconciliation Each Saturday at 3:30 p.m.

Christmas Vigil, Thursday December 24 4:00 p.m. Security Provided

Christmas Day, Friday, December 25 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.

COLLECTION RESULTS: Regular Collection: $2,490.00 Maintenance and Repairs: $919.00

THE SECOND COLLECTION this weekend is for Christmas Flowers. The second collection next weekend will be for Retired Religions Please be prayerfully generous.

Our Prayer List

Chip Andrus, Rick Arguelo, Thomas Bennett, Theresa Brannon, Samuel Branum, Frances Bridges, Gaylord Brinnon, Lelia Burkes, Cullen Calametti, Mary Ann Calametti, Malcolm Calametti, Gene Carney, John Carney, Sandi Clark, Pete Cobb, Michael Lambert Collins, Garrett Colvin, Ella Comer, Art Conlon, Deacon Joe Connick, Kevin Connick, Mary Connick, Kathy Conwell, Teddy Covington, Ken Crane, Jeff Crawford, Frances Crist, Dr. Debbie Davis, Mike Deming, Duncan Family, Charlie Elliott, Jim Ellis, Carolyn Fairey, Susan Naman Fillers, Linda Fobs, Howard Fowler, Maureen Frost, Spencer Frost, Joe Gable, Dell Garner, Shay Schjott Gautreaux, Ann Geisenheimer, Flora Gilbert, Sheila Green, Patsy Brown Habeeb, Dee Dee Hand, Midge Harden, Christine Harrison, Mat Hartley, Mark Haynes, Katie Henley, Amanda Herring, Blakely Herring, Willie Hill, Parker Hollinghead, Slade Hooks, Claudette Howard, Mary Howell, Robert Howell, Michael Hudson, Kim Hughes, Jerry Ingle, Nelson Iturbe, Sharon Jemison, Shelley Judd, Fred Karkowski, Coy Kirkland, Judy Knowles, Michael J. Knowles, Paul Knowles, Emma Koppersmith, Logan Kynes, Sam Love, Floyd Laurendine, Angie Leon, Patsy Conn Lilley, Frances Luckie, Marcia Luckie, Sage Lyon III, Betsy Mabry, Joanne Maceluch, Ruth Malagna, Mary Martin, Joyce Masters, Christine Mayhall, Brian McArdle, Herbert McClamy, Shirley Cayton McDonald, Geraldine McGlasker, Ramona McNab, Butch McPherson, Kelly McPhillips, Woodie McPhillips, Bender Middlekauff, Franklin Millette, Shannon Milling, K. P. Mixon, Edna Moffett, Tom Murray, Kate Myers, Gerard Neely, Sue Neely, Trinity Neno, Will Nichols, Ginny Noletto, Tony Odom, Lee Pace, Ross Partridge, Betty Patrick, Larry Patterson, Wilford Paul, Emma Perkins, Neil Pouliot, Fringella Preston, Walter Haywood Prine, Louise Pruitt, Carolyn Pryor, Sheri Reddington, Barbara and Tommy Repoll, Mary Rooney, Davis Saratt, Lucille Scott, Mary S. Seibert, Dell Sharbrough, Carol Shepherd, Phil Smith, Eric Speas, Toodie Spikes, Allison Repoll Spillman, Caroline Stapleton, Rose Story, Nita Sutton, Noni Swails, David Taylor, Anita Toole, Penny Townsend, Irene Troy, Abbie Vaughn, Diane Vella, Margie McKay Wadsworth, Bert Wainwright, David Wainwright, Artemise N. Walker, Bill Watkins, Johnny Watts, Michael Watts, Darlene Pennington Wilson, Michael Wilson, John Paul Wilson, Ralph Wilson, Jr., Taylor Wright.

Please inform the church office with any mistakes, additions or removals. Thank you.


Saturday, December 5 Trinity Neno (L) Wednesday, December 9 Dell Gwakin (D)
Sunday, December 6 Vera Hooge (D) Thursday, December 10 Leigh Bailey (D)
Monday, December 7 Joseph Hooge (D) Friday, December 11 Christina Kalisz (L)
Tuesday, December 8 Cathy Beckham (D) Saturday, December 12 Charles Christie (D)

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

December 8, 2020 is a Holy Day of Obligation,
There will be one Mass at St. Matthew's on this feast:
8:00 a.m. in the rectory chapel.